Friday, December 19, 2008

Only in A Dream

Hi Everyone! Sorry for my prolonged absence.

Heres what I shot today:

I just got out of school for seventeen whole days. Let's talk often-


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

flirty, girly, green, and black polka dotted

I just bought this flirty polka dotted dress at H&M the other day. I love the way it sits... I love how sheer it is. I just love it's girlyness :). I paired it with American Apparel "winter" leggings, a long American Apparel cardigan, and grey suede Urban Outfitter boots.

I've been having fun with fashion, lately. and photography. 

Sunday, December 7, 2008


(STORES: forever 21, h&m, american apparel,, j. crew)
it doesn't exist these days
you find who you are
through bits and pieces of others
alike and unalike 
in this quickly darkening haze

Black, a Classic

Fit: Black Turtle-Neck, BCBG/ Black Swing Skirt, UO/ Silvery tights, Nordstrom/ Silver Loafers, Moschino Cheap and Chic.

I used to not wear black much. If I did a all, it was in bits and pieces. My skin in the winter is always so washed out, black tends to make me look ill. It wasn't until today when I put on this monochromatic fit that I grew to like black a little more. Actually, my pale skin is what made this look, interesting. Here's what I did: on my face added very little color for a matted ivory look, cheeks had a splash of Posie Tint, eyes, I went for the Ahep signature (think liner, full lashes) for emphasis, then I finished it off with little bit of Posie Tint on my lips too. The black fitted tneck, cropped bangs, and big eyes made this look a classic.

Hope everyone had a restful weekend.
I'll be doing homework...

words words words,

Friday, December 5, 2008

'To thine ownself be true;

...And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man. '

Fit: Sweater, Vintage/Dress, FP/Jean Leggings, Delaney's.

Not much to say right now. The brain is on high-heat. SAT's tomorrow and finals are quickly approaching. Shakespeare has brainwashed me, thou thou thou.

be you,


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stress of Ambition

We all own our obstacles. The pressure, hard to handle.

The outfit today was very casual. A grey, oversized, grandpa sweater/ One of my fav. t-shirts, I heart NY/ Comfy jeans/ Black converses.

I'm taking the SAT's on saturday morning, ugh.

Hoping to be college bound,


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wings of Swift Meditation, Thoughts of Love

I found my Thanksgiving to be very refreshing. I have a huge family, so, often times it hard to get together at all. All the parents have become side-tracked by their time-bearing jobs. Us kids are trying to widen our resumes, while focusing on school and sports. As for our grandparents, they high-tailed it to Florida many months ago. Though what I found truly reviving was the company of my 'young adolescent' cousins. Their carefree age seemed to lift ages of stress. So, if you know a lil-cutie, I would highly advise you seek out some time with them. Not only does their presence have a meditating effect, love and togetherness is the best cure for any degree of forlornity.

Here is what I wore on Thanksgiving:

I love the red door.

(Fit: Sweater, cropped mock neck, Delaney's. Bubble Dress, F21. Tights, For Love 21)

While at Grandma Claudia's, her and I were able to go through some of her old dresses that she sewed. They go as far back as prom dresses... They are amazing! Just need some spicing up... coming soon.

Oh, and you'll have to bear with me, I'm reading Hamlet.

'Adieu, adieu, adieu. Remember me',


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

remember to be thankful

and have a happy Thanksgiving. I'll be working all holiday weekend :(
hope everyone has a restful Turkey Day. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

not busy enough

Olivia talks about her issues with time and there never being enough for her to take a second and breath. I, on the other hand, have the opposite problem-I can't seem to find anything to do. well, that's partially a lie-I just don't have a vehicle. this has sparked my lack of "fit" entries and a surplus of entries into my private blog "Just between you and I". I'm getting a new car soon. hopefully, the new freedom will spark more "fit" posts from me. until then, enjoy my thoughts!

this outfit was actually really different for me. I wore my cigarette-legged jeans rolled just about the ankle with black panty hoes under and a plain, but sexy pair of heels. I also wore a black short sleeved sweater under my larger cardigan. it was a very warm and unique outfit for me to pick out.

the jeans are Pure Blue Japan from the panty hose and cardigan are from American Apparel. the short sleeved sweater (with a sequin bow sewn onto the front of it) is from H & M. the shoes are unknown.

this outfit shows what I have been "going for" lately. it's a really relaxed and refreshing way to put on clothing, haha. first, you throw on a short dress of your choice-next, you put on a pair of leggings or cigarette legged jeans/pants-last, lay on a sweatshirt/sweater/jacket over the jeans ... add a pair of flats (OR even heels are comfy!) ... and you've got yourself an original and comfortable outfit.

the leggings and cream raglan throw over are american apparel. the dress and flats are from urban outfitters.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Evil Spirals

What's in my hair: I found a golden vintage sweater closure lying around. The clasps are actually hands, I thought it was quite clever. Though, I question why I do things, like put it in my hair. Im not sure what I think...
The velour evergreen jacket is vintage, too. The sleeves come to a wide bell, then scruch at the wrists. I'll have to wear it more often and shoot. I'm just not sure if I like it yet.
I am bored with my clothing lately.

A thought for today:

Are people born with their evils? From the time an evil nature is brought into this world, is it promised, by sequence of future events, that their ultimate gift to this world will be ugly?

What do you think?


Monday, November 10, 2008

animal instincts

I think I was a cat in a previous life... if that's how the cycle of life and death continues. I picked up this new pair of tights from Express yesterday. I'm going to wear them to a wild animal themed party at my work this Wednesday. I'm going to integrate them into my regular wardrobe, also. I love buying out of the ordinary pieces. It's fun to spark up your wardrobe. I also bought a beautiful, high-waisted, and lace skirt from H&M. It will be making it's premiere sometime this week, too. And last but not least, I purchased a pair of unique, leather moccasins from They've received mixed reviews, but I'm still excited to get them. What do you think?
-Until later this week...,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lazy, nerdy

Not in much of a mood for words...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Silence's Gift

When the world's mutterance
has no passage to whats inside,
I am coldy sober of the dizzying affect
that the world's voices manifest.
aware now, my breath awakens me
to the singing beat of my heart,
all is silenced-
thoughts, words, existence-
all my own.
silence is golden

too much noise can clog your thoughts, seek clarity.

- I should have some fit pictures up soon, carter got me a tripod! :) :)

hush-hush shh,

Regular, ordinary

(sweater, the limited. double u neck dress, american apparel. raw denim, pure blue japan. sparkly flats, unknown.)
Lacking. My life is lacking... something.
-Oh... BTW: Congrats Obama,
(click here for more insight)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Some Pictures from Today

Cloth Armor

Studio Display

Buckets of Matter


Rhythm, cadence of thoughts

Great Wall of Clay

Living Too Hard

Ahh (big exhale), finally a moment to contribute here:

I know I have yet to even introduce myself, but, today I don't feel like doing anything like that.

Lately, I haven't had time to do anything I enjoy. It's school, work, and homework. And if it's not one of those time-eating-life-suckers then it's another frenzied agitation. Now, I know that life isn't all fun all the time, we all have desires that drive us through the daily grind, but when is enough? Shouldn't we all have leisure time to dig into our own interests, be with family, and free of stress? I am not convinced that forfeiting the things I truly love is aiding me.

Today some friends and I went to a new art studio located by our school. There, there are art teachers who teach weekly classes in anything 1D, 2D, and 3D you can think of. It is creative freedom heaven. I think I am going to take up some photography classes so I can dig deeper into my skills camera wise and on Photoshop. When I walked into the place, my life-stressors were left at the door. I realized how important it is to do thing things you love. And to do them often as you can. Not only are great things derived from the passion you hold, but a great amount of stress is lost. You are just happier.

Take a minute, from the delirium of thoughts, engage in your own enjoyment.

Sorry this post was hardly focused on fashion, i'll be sure to take pictures this week, if not everyday.

Living entirely too hard,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Snoozy Sunday

(wearing: men's cardigan, BDG; urban outfitters. double-u neck dress, american apparel. japanese raw denim, pure blue japan; blue in green soho. aviators, ray ban; ebay. open toed tulip flats, blowfish; urban outfitters.)

I loved my day with Jeffrey. Pictures from today on my personal blog & flickr account .
I hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend. I'm not much into the holiday as I used to be. I'm too busy relaxing, I suppose :-P.

Here was my "gitup":



Wednesday, October 29, 2008


(coat: h&m. cardigan: h&m. dress: anthropologie. jeans: pure blue japan. shoes: fairy tales are true/urban outfitters.)
Floral patterns have been very popular for a while now, but I hadn't quite taken to the trend. Every time I looked for a well-fitting, anti-gaudy floral dress and print-I wound up empty-handed... and with a larger distaste for the look. I think I have found my happy medium.

I purchased this dress off of, but it was originally from Anthropologie. I was excited to find the dress, because it was no longer being sold in stores or on the website when I gathered the gall to buy it. Despite my initial excitement, I have hardly worn the dress. There is just something about it that doesn't stand out or pop about.

Today I realized it makes a MUCH better shirt. This way I get a twist on the floral trend with the Indian inspired floral design, AND a cute shirt. What do you think?
-off to the grocery with my lover,

Pure Blue Japan

I'm so excited to start the evolution of my new jeans :]
(purchased from
-Yay for quality clothing,

Monday, October 27, 2008

freedom of expression

I shoot with a Nikon D1h. It's outdated, but it shines with a good lens. Being behind a camera, or even in front of it (sometimes, both!) is exhilarating for me. Photography has become my outlet to clarity. With the interest in photography came the interest of different types of photography, including fashion photography. Seeing all of these beautiful men and women dressed in their designer threads inspired me to become a little more conscious about my own wardrobe. If only, I had the riches to buy the designer threads I lust over...

As you can probably see, I like to play with my pictures to create a crisper, more fun composition. Photoshop has become one of my best friends-shooting in RAW opens so many doors to a clearer editing process.

A tiny snippet of my ever-growing "lookbook". It's a compilation of photographs, featuring me, where a good photo & a chic sense of style meet. I admit, I am not an incredibly "trendy" person-but I hate that word anyway. Fashion and art are all about the "freedom of expression". My style is, of course, drawn from inspiration around me-but it is my own, and it is what I am comfortable in. So enjoy :)
-The start of a great relationship haha,

Me llama Dani

(wearing: eternity scarf, h&m. mock collared jacket, h&m. green loose sweater, urban outfitters. skater dress, american apparel. patterned tights, target. angel wings, at birth.)
I'm the eldest of the two bloggers you'll come to know fairly intimately through photography and other forms of creative expression. Olivia, my co-blogger, and myself have endeavored the fashion blogging world once before-our small attempts were smashed by an inconvenient advertisement virus. Needless to say, we're relentless to get our voices heard. Our motives are pure and similar, but creatively unique. We hope you come to enjoy our posts and become avid readers :).

With our mission stated (hehe), allow me to introduce a little more about myself:
I've been lucky enough to travel out of the country and experience small tastes of world culture, which has inspired my tastes and interests in fashion, photography, and writing. I graduated in 2007 and am now attending college for a major in Sociology and a minor in photojournalism-this may change due to my growing love for photography. Having taken a year off of school after high school, I've come to realize how valued higher education is and should be. I'm struggling through my first year, at a community college, and it scares me that I'm not ready for this yet. There are a few priorities that need rearranging in my life before I give up, however-and I am determined to do well in school.

I'm incredibly liberal, but hold a moderate leveled head. I spent a large portion of my childhood denying reality-I've since grown from my past mistakes and have the ability to reconcile my past blemishes. I do so everyday by waking up with a clean slate... and realizing that I have complete control over myself-that no matter how hard it seems or how down I get, I can always lift myself back up.

I'm a lover, and I try to find a way to love every aspect of our world. 
-Starting over,