Wednesday, October 29, 2008


(coat: h&m. cardigan: h&m. dress: anthropologie. jeans: pure blue japan. shoes: fairy tales are true/urban outfitters.)
Floral patterns have been very popular for a while now, but I hadn't quite taken to the trend. Every time I looked for a well-fitting, anti-gaudy floral dress and print-I wound up empty-handed... and with a larger distaste for the look. I think I have found my happy medium.

I purchased this dress off of, but it was originally from Anthropologie. I was excited to find the dress, because it was no longer being sold in stores or on the website when I gathered the gall to buy it. Despite my initial excitement, I have hardly worn the dress. There is just something about it that doesn't stand out or pop about.

Today I realized it makes a MUCH better shirt. This way I get a twist on the floral trend with the Indian inspired floral design, AND a cute shirt. What do you think?
-off to the grocery with my lover,

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