Monday, October 27, 2008

freedom of expression

I shoot with a Nikon D1h. It's outdated, but it shines with a good lens. Being behind a camera, or even in front of it (sometimes, both!) is exhilarating for me. Photography has become my outlet to clarity. With the interest in photography came the interest of different types of photography, including fashion photography. Seeing all of these beautiful men and women dressed in their designer threads inspired me to become a little more conscious about my own wardrobe. If only, I had the riches to buy the designer threads I lust over...

As you can probably see, I like to play with my pictures to create a crisper, more fun composition. Photoshop has become one of my best friends-shooting in RAW opens so many doors to a clearer editing process.

A tiny snippet of my ever-growing "lookbook". It's a compilation of photographs, featuring me, where a good photo & a chic sense of style meet. I admit, I am not an incredibly "trendy" person-but I hate that word anyway. Fashion and art are all about the "freedom of expression". My style is, of course, drawn from inspiration around me-but it is my own, and it is what I am comfortable in. So enjoy :)
-The start of a great relationship haha,

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