Monday, November 3, 2008

Living Too Hard

Ahh (big exhale), finally a moment to contribute here:

I know I have yet to even introduce myself, but, today I don't feel like doing anything like that.

Lately, I haven't had time to do anything I enjoy. It's school, work, and homework. And if it's not one of those time-eating-life-suckers then it's another frenzied agitation. Now, I know that life isn't all fun all the time, we all have desires that drive us through the daily grind, but when is enough? Shouldn't we all have leisure time to dig into our own interests, be with family, and free of stress? I am not convinced that forfeiting the things I truly love is aiding me.

Today some friends and I went to a new art studio located by our school. There, there are art teachers who teach weekly classes in anything 1D, 2D, and 3D you can think of. It is creative freedom heaven. I think I am going to take up some photography classes so I can dig deeper into my skills camera wise and on Photoshop. When I walked into the place, my life-stressors were left at the door. I realized how important it is to do thing things you love. And to do them often as you can. Not only are great things derived from the passion you hold, but a great amount of stress is lost. You are just happier.

Take a minute, from the delirium of thoughts, engage in your own enjoyment.

Sorry this post was hardly focused on fashion, i'll be sure to take pictures this week, if not everyday.

Living entirely too hard,

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